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                               ACÇÕES HUMANAS E ACÇÕES DO HOMEM

É um dos deveres fundamental do ser humano, que é racional procurar prudentemente informar se autenticamente a realidade da sua própria natureza, para melhor compreender os elementos fundamentais que constroem a sua natureza humana. Esta visão mostra-nos que a verdadeira realidade da vida humana não é orienta pelas doutrinas mas sim pela verdade.

A vida humana compreende o conjunto dos elementos que constroem o processo vital que pode ser conduzido para o progresso, ou anacronismo do ser de uma determinada pessoa humana, dependendo inteiramente das próprias capacidades seja física ou mental que podem garantir autenticidade das suas convicções; e os meios que o seu ambiente lhe oferece. Antes de nos lançar mais para o além em relação à diferença existente entre ações humanas e ações do homem vamos analisar a origem da vida da pessoa humana num contexto cingido e profundo isto porque; praticamente sem vida não há nenhuma ação que homem pode realizar e obviamente onde não há a vida humana também não há ação do homem assim como ação humana.

Esta cientificamente reconhecida de que o poder do inconsciente do individuo ou de um determinado ser humano começa a se construir antes do seu nascimento. Em conexão com esta visão da origem da vida humana O Lepp salientou que; do mesmo modo que o corpo da criança vai tomando forma, progressivamente no útero materno, assim a psique ou a alma também tem seu período uterino da sua existência.[1]É neste período que a natureza espiritual da pessoa humana se desenvolve em coordenação com a sua natureza física. Contudo é relevante reconhecer que o ser humano possue três partes fundamentais que são alma que é o centro da vida, o espírito que constitui o centro da inteligência humana e o corpo físico. E é na base da unidade desses elementos que se construí o corpo vital de um determinado ser humano. Em conexão com o ponto de união entre o corpo e alma O Allan Kardec salientou que a união entre o corpo e alma começa na concepção, mas não-se completa, e só vai se completar no momento de nascimento. Desde o momento da concepção o espírito designado para tomar determinado corpo a ele se liga por um laço fluídico que se vai encurtando cada vez mais, até o instante em que a criança vem à luz ... e entra no número dos seres vivos.[2] Por outro lado à visão do Kardec é muito platônica, pessoa humana não se enquadra na lista dos seres vivos somente depois do seu nascimento mais antes do seu nascimento, visto que o nascimento é a realização de uma das fases do desenvolvimento ou progresso da vida humana ou pessoa humana no seu geral. Isto quer dizer mesmo no período da concepção uterina o individuo está na lista dos seres vivos, porque tem vida e é a partir de tal vida que ele vai cumprindo ou seguindo o seu processo de desenvolvimento até a fase do seu nascimento. E nada se completa nesta fase, visto enquanto vivo ele continua incompleto e vai buscando se completar ou ser perfeito por meio de seu processo de desenvolvimento que vai até o dia da sua morte.

Para que o individuo esteja autenticamente dentro ritmo expectivo do progresso do ser humano é necessário que haja o equilíbrio dinâmico no desenvolvimento assim como no funcionamento dos elementos acima mencionados. E é por meio desse equilíbrio que a pessoa estará mais inclinada na realização das ações humanas evitando assim o super inclinação nas ações dos homens. É real reconhecer que não tem como um ser humano privatizar-se das ações do homem para somente se restringir nas ações humanas, visto que as tais ações são de caráter natural e centram na sua própria natureza. As ações humanas, embora também tenham a sua base no poder natural do ser humano; mas nem todo ser humano tem esse poder de julgar e analisar as coisas no contexto autêntico e objetava. Assim, devido esta limitação que os seres humanos sofrem devido à fragilidade da natureza deles, o maior número das pessoas passam todo tempo das suas vidas realizando mais ações do homem e poucas ações humanas.

Na maioria dos casos, a violência é usada como meio para o alcance da justiça dentro de uma determinada sociedade onde prevalece a injustiça; mas não é humano utilizar a violência como meio para o alcance da justiça dentro de uma determina da sociedade. É digno e humano centrar no dialogo como fonte preponderante para o alcance da justiça dentro de uma determinada sociedade onde predomina a injustiça ou opressão de qualquer natureza. Praticamente o uso da violência, como solução de busca de justiça gera o problema acima de um outro problema; e isso resulta numa confusão de natureza caótica, beset ou Deus-nos-acuda. Moçambique por exemplo; é um dos países africanos que sofreu bastante, de guerras contra a dominação colonial assim como a guerra civil que no total cobriu 16 anos de conflitos. O partido da oposição por recorrer à violência como meio para o alcance da justiça criou problemas acima de outros problemas, no caso do atraso do desenvolvimento econômico, intelectual, social, político e moral.

Então ações do homem envolvem todas as ações que nós realizamos sem nos perguntarmos por que é que nós realizamos as tais ações, é o exemplo delas amor, ciúme, inveja, respiração, descriminação, ódio, em geral são ações instintivos e fisiológicos. Enquanto que as ações humanas têm a sua base na consciência, eles surgem como resulto da ação do julgamento racional. É digno o que está sublinhado de que human acts are imputable to man, so they envolve his responsability for very reason that he puts them forth deliberately and with self-determination. Moreover, they are not subject to physical laws which necessitate the agent, but to law which lays on the free- will under obligation which has no any interference with his freedom of choice. Besides, they are moral.[3] (As ações humanas são irrefutaveis para o homem, e têm uma responsabilidade centrada na consciência da pessoa que realiza as tais ações, por esta razão ela realiza deliberadamente e com determinação pessoal. Neste caso, ações humanas não são sujeitas a leis físicas que necessita o sujeito, mas as leis centradas na livre vontade e como dever que não tem qualquer interferência com a liberdade da escolha). Em geral ações humanas são aqueles que nós realizamos livremente e conscientemente na base da prudência e sabedoria. São ações que nós realizamos voluntariamente e convictos em justificar, por que é que nós realizamos as tais ações e quais são as suas conseqüências. Com essa visão as diferenças entre ações humanas e ações do homem tornam muito claras, e transparentes, e isso mostra-nos que a vida humana em si, não tem doutrinas, mas é o homem que cria doutrinas para impor dentro da sua própria vida. Neste caso as doutrinas são o resultado das ações do homem, isto quer dizer elas não fazem parte das ações humanas. Em relação às doutrinas atualmente muitas pessoas são abusadas, exploradas economicamente assim como moralmente e espiritualmente por meio de doutrinas religiosas, mas isso tudo é devido à ignorância, inocência ou pobreza intelectual. E devido a isso nas nossas sociedades predominam mais ações dos homens em vez das ações humanas. As pessoas deixam a serem manipuladas facilmente pelas doutrinas religiosas esmagando assim o espírito da fidelidade pela afirmação autêntica das verdadeiras realidades das suas vidas. Em conexão com essa visão Matthew sublinhou que estamos dentro duma cultura que não nos ensina a lidar com os sentimentos dolorosos e numa Igreja que freqüentemente nos ensina que a verdade está na Bíblia, no papa, nos pastores ou padres, nos sacramentos-em todos os lugares menos dentro de nós mesmos. A religião é freqüentemente ensinada como um sistema de controle, de regra, de rituais, de ideais - de obrigações. É muito fácil se nos orientar com esse tipo de crenças ou doutrinas para esmagar o processo da nossa vida, pensando ao mesmo tempo que estamos sendo bons cristãos, crédulos ou religiosos no seu geral.[4] Em relação a isso, uma mulher disse que odeia bastante ler as cartas de são Paulo apostolo que fala sobre a conduta ou relacionamento entre as mulheres casadas com os seus esposos; visto que está muito acentuado a submissão ou servilismo das mulheres nas suas relações com os seus esposos. E a qualquer momento em que ela é escolhida para fazer leitura das tais cartas dentro da Igreja, ela passa a leitura para outra pessoa. Mas ela não podia estar ameaçada pelas cartas de São Paulo, porque não é a visão de são Paulo, que define o verdadeiro ser de uma determinada mulher, mas sim a natureza da mulher em si, é que define o verdadeiro ser da mulher. Neste caso a mulher deve ser livre em seguir as suas convicções e também deve ser fiel a sua própria natureza, ela deve analisar, julgar e criticar objetivamente as realidades que compõem o ser da mulher, para melhor descobrir os elementos fundamentais e objetivos que constroem o ser autêntico de uma determinada mulher. Em geral a vida humana não é orientada pelas doutrinas é por isso que, quando as doutrinas prevalecem dentro das nossas sociedades ela é ameaçada. Atualmente, se levanta a visão de que o cristianismo devido as suas doutrinas, não há favoritismo no crescimento da população que professa a sua fé, ao contrario o muçulmanismo, as suas doutrinas promove a poligamia à coisa que garante um crescimento rápido da população que professa a fé muçulmana. Contudo este assunto não constitui como elemento fundamental deste trabalho, mas era somente para que as doutrinas estão na linhagem das ações do homem e não ações humanas.

Atualmente, com o desenvolvimento intelectual e da civilização humana, a igualdade dos elementos que compõem a espécie humana torna-se cada vez mais o pano de fundo. É relevante reconhecer que nas áreas políticas e sociais de alguns países que não prevalece o domínio das doutrinas religiosas nas áreas políticas e sociais apresenta-se com uns progressos notáveis no contexto de valorização das mulheres. Por outro lado à situação torna-se preocupante nas religiões, especialmente nas religiões onde o espírito do radicalismo notavelmente no caso de catolicismo e muçulmanismo. As mulheres embora, apresentassem-se com um número notável nas tais religiões, elas não podem exercer qualquer função ou exercício de elite dentro das tais religiões. Concluindo, eu saliento que é importante ativar nas nossas mentes aquilo que foi dito por Buda de que, gods may exist, but they can`t help us or do anything for us so there is no point in worrying about them, praying to them or looking to them for any aid. We humans know that we exist here and now so we need to worry about how to best live or our lives here and now, let the gods if there are any, to take care of themselves.[5] (os deuses podem existir mas eles não podem nos ajudar a fazer qualquer coisa para nós, por isso não há razão de passar todo tempo rezando para a eles,ou procurar, eles para nos dar qualquer ajuda. Nós, seres humanos sabemos que existimos aqui e agora, assim nós precisamos de nos preocupar em como é que podemos melhorar a vida ou a nossa vida aqui e agora, deixa os deuses existirem se existir algum para tomar o cuidado deles mesmos.) Esta visão soa com uma realidade ateu, mas numa visão critica, analítica e objetiva descobri no seu fundo de que não podemos nos limitar em crenças ou doutrinas para resolver as dificuldades de natureza humana, vamos partir na base das nossas convicções enraizada nosso estilo da vida, e daí busquemos os valores que garantem a melhoria das nossas vidas. Assim descobriremos que na verdade, a verdadeira realidade da vida humana não tem doutrinas.

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         In these few notes of introduction, I intend to underline that our faith must not become the mean of leading us into achievement of richness in material things; but rather spiritual richness based on the conscience, which can lead us to realization of the mean of human life and its values, in short it has to lead us into richness in moral values, which intend to maintain peace and love to entire humanity. It has to become a root of unity and the mean through which we can get the reasonable ways of deciphering the problems which affect our societies or the entire world.

        This is just a sort of reflection on the issue of religions in the world which are tending always to increase especially in the Christian sphere. Nevertheless, it seems that people are becoming more Christ-centric loosing even what is meant to be the vision of true God. It is true that nobody who has a true vision of the really God. Again, it is very interesting that all those who are believed to be the prophets none of them attempted to give a real picture of the true God, even Jesus whom many people believe to be the son of God, his explanations in relation to real nature of God was always taken in human perspective. As he puts, “If you knew me you would know my Father also” (Jn 8, 19) and this is normal for all human beings especially believers they consider God as Father, again we as human beings do not know ourselves in its expected sense, and this is one of the features that we bear on the base of our nature which is weak and fragile. The only way of following the will of God centers in giving more value the human life, and the care of environment in which we are living. I sometimes do ask myself why religious people do fight against themselves… Is there any will of God that favors such false doctrines? Or can God be pleased by mistreatment of His creation? Actually no. If God created all things on the bases of unconditional love can the same God acting against His creation? Can a really God be jealous to the weak and fragile creatures? It makes no sense to believe in God who is jealous, partial, God who can get angry as human beings or other creatures; to believe in this kind of God is to reduce the power and the perfection of God to human reality, for such imaginations are not within reality of true God who is the source of truth and love.                             

         However, it is reasonable to recognize that there are some few people who have views of one and true God, Who is the source of truth and love, and who is fair to His entire creation and impartial and not biased in the middle of His creation. It is sad that many people do interpret the reality of God in an emotional context, due to their belief in God who is a giver of money, a God who is personal and biased, who does not care for entire creation; who is just pleased and satisfied  by a specific group of people; and excluding others;  the God who favors  the wise, rich, intelligent and instead of helping the weak; He  excludes the sinners, poor, distressed or even  the God who just favors the poor, prostitutes, sinners, and thus excluding the rich, wise, intelligent, and so forth; please let us be aware that the love of a true God has no boundary to His entire creation, He is not biased as ignorant people use to think, He is not a God who says that you are my chosen, but rather the God who consider all entire creation as the object of His will, of His love and so on.  

        God do not do things in accordance to human beings´ will or desires, but rather to His will. It is because human beings are imperfect; so they can will or desire good things as well as bad things; whereas the will of God is only directed to the true and good things.  We must have a real vision about the Being of God, let's try to have the vision of One and true God; the God who is the source of truth and impartial and unconditional love. It is very ease these days to note that many people are much concerned with emotional satisfaction in spiritual as well as social perspectives, while others are much concerned with originality in the ways of thinking, of analyzing the issues, as well as in the way of speaking.

         It is very sad for some people who believe that religious people are the holders of truth and holiness; what’s more, also there are ignorant religious who believe that by being religious and praying everyday they have a great chance of being in the heaven; but this is not a true conviction for the real man who seeks perfection. The true way from which the person can be in heaven has nothing to do with religion, but it relies on the how the person lives in the course of his entire life. As well we know that there are many religious people who have been caught doing hopeless things, such as humiliating people, exploiting people, developing corruption and many other hopeless actions. So we need to bear in mind that the true God has no religion, He is for all entire creation no matter, whether we praise Him or not, He does not seek for our praises. Imagine when He created the entire world He was alone and He did not look for somebody in order to praise Him for such work; if God was a seeker of praises He could create first the people the entire world, but in order to show that He was not seeker of praises he create first empty world and then followed by the material things including human beings.  Now is a time of opening our eyes, and using our minds not in a blind sense but as a mean of understanding the sense of our difficulties and how to deal with them, in a reasonable way, in accordance to our human capacities. Again what religious people call the prayer is not only a matter of going to the church or any specific place meant for realization of spiritual exercises or adoring God as many people think to be, but it is a rather a human will or capacity of transcending himself by idealizing his imaginations in order to discover the value and sense of such feelings in relation to his daily experience. Again, this exercise becomes useful if the results provide the reasonable answers to the problems which entire world is facing, because, the aim is to find means that can guide the entire world to the really truth which provides love, peace and harmony, and it is this which is meant to will of God. What’s more such action; which have defined above can be done by any person not matter whether he is religious or not. It can be compared to the capacity of idealizing our feelings that we hold in our daily life; imagine someone who has specific feelings in his body might be anger, anxiety, depression, or any kind of soreness and if he does not know idealizing them, it will be very difficult for any psychologist, a doctor or any person to help such a person because he has not capacity of idealizing the sense of his feelings. So it is reasonable for every human being to have a spirit or conviction of idealizing and evaluating objectively his feelings as well as his imaginations.

    It is sad many people when they talk about Jesus or the teachings of Jesus, they only limit themselves on the imaginations which do not make a part even of their own daily experiences of life. Actually, Jesus did not teach people to become angels or mystical but rather authentic human beings, and this could be realized through the process of self transcendence of our prejudices which we learnt from our families, traditions, cultures and so on. Many of the teachings of Jesus if we check them critically and objectively we find that they are the real mean that can lead a person to realization of his human authenticity, and such teachings are related to those of Socrates. For instance when Jesus said I and the Father are one this did not contradict what is held in the book of Genesis that …God created human beings making them to be like Himself. He created them male and female. (Gn 1, 27) and it shows all humanity is one in God in God there is truth; there is no any sign of prejudice or biasness as many ignorant people tend to think. We are called to respect the humanity of our fellow human and this has base on the conviction of expressing unconditional love which God revealed to entire world through great wonders which He has performed within it. It is believed that one day Mary Magdalene said to Jesus that, “Mestre me diga: porque voce me olha diferente de todos os outros homens? Jesus fixou nela  o olhar profundo e terno e lhe respondeu : ‘Maria, eu olho para você diferente dos outros homens porque amo você por você mesma sem esperar nada em troca’ “[1] ( Master tell me why are you looking at me so different in comparison to other men? Then Jesus staring at her replied Mary I do look at you differently of other men because I love you, as you are without expecting anything as the payment of such love); here we see the feelings of humanness of Jesus, in expressing his feelings of love to Mary Magdalene. Again it is this kind of love that God has to His entire creation and humanity in its especial way, God does not need a human prayers or praise in order to refund His love to humanity.   

         From this point I understood that Jesus was a man of a great conviction as well as other men whom we new in the history of humanity, Socrates for instance is one of them, people who have accepted to die for the sake of supporting their convictions or principles as well, and not just mere ideas or principles but the central ideas which constitute the root of the values of human life. The thing which we need to recognize from these people is that they did not dealt with animal issues but rather the issues that intend to updated human values on the base of love, peace and harmony within the entire world.  

        In this case who acts for the sake of God’s will has to give value and respect human life; he has to have objective and critical views of analyzing the reality of things because the will of God is the truth by itself which has nothing to do with being rich or poor; religion; culture or tradition. The truth does not depend on race as some ignorant philosophers believed such as Kant, Hume, Hegel and others. The person who wishes to become wise and authentic human being has to transcend himself from all weakness such as biasness and prejudice. The people in entire world should open their eyes to see and believe in true God, the light of truth and unconditional love and impartial; God does not discriminate anybody nor white, neither black or yellow, red, prostitutes, weak, rich or poor, intelligent, wise, imbecile, Who consider all these as one in Him. So the will of God is that which call people for unite in peace and love; it is that which leads people to live on the bases of light of truth.  It is painful that there some people who are still believing in inconsistent God of Noel who has regretted for having killed all people through flood. We must not believe in such limited god, we must believe in God who is perfect who knows the present reality of the entire world as well as the future reality. Let us stop believing in god of Abraham, Moses or the god of Israelites; so that we can believe in true God Who considers the entire creation as the object of His work. We cannot believe in god who just felt pain when the Israelites were oppressed in Egypt, as if the entire world they were only the oppressed people. We know that there many people who were oppressed and who are oppressed innocently in different parts of the world, but there no any god who is among them fighting against the oppressors simply; because the oppressors as well as the oppressed are the creatures of the same God, so these conflicts are the result of human weakness, so whoever acts on the base of his weakness throughout his life he has to be responsible in answering which  god was guiding him throughout his life.

        In the course of history we know that there many people who were sold in different places in the world, for example the Africans, and the Indians, they were sold in different parts of the world, they world as slaves, and they are still discriminated, and it touches such wounds of history, hard work which their ancestors have done throughout their slavery lives. When believe in god of Israelites it becomes questionable especially when we reflect on this issue of slavery; why is it that God felt to be so painful when the Israelites were oppressed in Egypt and not for the Africans, Indians and other people who were innocently sold in different parts of the world as slaves; were these people the creatures of God or not? If they are and why God did not save them as it  happened with Israelites people? So the act of believing in God of Israelites lead people to the image of partial God, what is completely hopeless views; the real God does not discriminate people or his entire creation We cannot believe in God of Noel who was so intolerant, impatient and inconsistent at level of regretting for sending flood in order to eliminate His creation or humanity in its special way. We must not interpret the nature of God in emotional context, it is the feelings that can provide to us the true image of God but rather the spirit which works on bases of human mind; for the feelings have their root in the heart and they are temporal that means the way that I am today is not the same way that I will tomorrow. However, the truth which bases on human mind and manifests through spirit is changeless, and it has nothing to do with biasness. A person who reflects on the true Being of the real God must have a vision or spirit of unity, simplicity, goodness, faithfulness and love of wisdom and truth and it begins with the spirit of transparency. In this regard Prather, pointed out that God does not belong to a specific religion or a set of beliefs, [2] On the other hand it is sad that when we look carefully the history of humanity we find that political and religious conflicts have caused death of a great number of people in the world. Many innocent people were killed from religious and political conflicts; still these movements are prevailing in our countries, and what is bad enough are still victimize great number of people in the world. As we can remember recently in Nigeria the Christians and Muslims were fighting on the base of their false principles as result the innocent and ignorant people died and the promoters remained. Nevertheless, one of the great problems within our societies is ignorance, again people have no authentic convictions the choices are not made with convictions as a result they are becoming the slaves of their own choices, they have been manipulated and exploited, and are still exploited and manipulated through political and religious principles. Again, it seems seem that people have no way of making right choices because they always in the middle of principles either religious or political. For instance the use of condom, religious principle is against it as well as abortion, whereas the politicians are supporting the use of condom with exception of the issue of abortion which in some countries is not quite clear. So people who are following such principles have no real or authentic view in relation to such issues.

   However, whoever walks on the light of truth has no fear of being criticized, but politicians as well as religious they have a great fear of being criticized in different perspectives. In this case people have to build authentic convictions in the cause of their development so that they cannot be limited in making choices and also they to be careful so that they cannot be the slaves of their own choices, as it happens nowadays within our societies. Actually, there is no perfect or eternal choice in this world, so it upon everyone to be aware with the reality of society which he is living and which kind of principles are guiding the people within his society. It can lead the person into understand if they are fair and reasonable principles for guiding any human society.

   In conclusion the fundamental issue here is a call to awareness of the reality which is prevailing within our societies. Again, this can be realized when we look the reality of principles which are leading our societies critically and objectively, and this a base on the self-affirmation and the search of human authenticity. The realization of human authenticity does not base on the false principle but rather on fair and reasonable principles which are rooted on the truth.




[1] Luiz Miguel; Cultive o Bom Humor: 18 indicações Práticas( São Paulo: Câmara Brasileira do livro, Paulus , 2001)71.

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